
Dream Job? Diplomatic grey-comfort-zone

Good afternoon fellow work haters. I am here to present my situation and head the community's opinion. I'm originally from a Latin American country and I've migrated to a Commonwealth nation about 10 years ago. Having grown within the middle-class fallacy that you can study or do whatever you want, I did the silly thing of pursuing my dreams and studying International Relations. Needless to say I was either unemployed or under-employed for many years, despite having multiple “internships” (barely paid work) in some pretty high places back in my country of origin (defence, foreign affairs, you name it). ​ I have since found employment at embassy of my country of origin in my new home. OMG. The civil service rhythm is unbelievable. I work from 9:15 to 15:00 Mon-Fri, with one hour lunch. Meaning, I work about 5 hours a day. ​ I also have a huge office all…

Good afternoon fellow work haters.
I am here to present my situation and head the community's opinion.

I'm originally from a Latin American country and I've migrated to a Commonwealth nation about 10 years ago. Having grown within the middle-class fallacy that you can study or do whatever you want, I did the silly thing of pursuing my dreams and studying International Relations. Needless to say I was either unemployed or under-employed for many years, despite having multiple “internships” (barely paid work) in some pretty high places back in my country of origin (defence, foreign affairs, you name it).

I have since found employment at embassy of my country of origin in my new home. OMG. The civil service rhythm is unbelievable. I work from 9:15 to 15:00 Mon-Fri, with one hour lunch. Meaning, I work about 5 hours a day.

I also have a huge office all to myself, unbelievable freedom to come and go as I please, very broad deadlines for what little work I have to do, 4 weeks annual leave with bonus pay and free healthcare for myself, the wife and kids. The only downside? A mere salary of about the equivalent of 40k USD per yer + benefits (retirement contribution + aforementioned health cover + very generous leave entitlements). This is very little money here, but is enough to get by and save a little.

My family is constantly pushing for me to get out of there and find a “better” (higher pay) job. The wife is fortunately not among those pushing for this, but parents are very critical of my “laid back” approach to this wonderful lifestyle. I get home everyday at 15:15 and I have plenty of time to game, do house chores, tender the wife and kids etc.

I also love what I do as I work with diplomacy which is my passion. I assist all sectors of the embassy including the Ambassador himself here and there. I don't even have the burden of being an actual diplomat, meaning I don't actually represent my country nor am I obliged to comply with norms set by my old capital. I'm bound to labour laws of my new home.

Am I too laid back for wanting to stay here forever? How do you all deal with family pressure to join the corpo orgy and submit to the evils of the private sector?

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