
My toxic employer is making their workers share ridiculously positive reviews, if you’ve been there, make sure to speak up so others don’t get trapped.

tl;dr: title + Cybereason is a toxic workplace, stay away. Please hear me out, I've never in my life felt like i had something to say until now. Burner account because am afraid that this is somehow will come to haunt me later in my career. I have no interest other than spreading a warning to others because this place ruined me for a while. Last year i was going through a hiring process for a position at this company and i was pretty stoked about it until i decided to go to glass-doors(job review website) and read the reviews of former/current employees; I remember it was all kind of the same: overwhelmingly negative comments about the toxic environment, overworking their employees but that they pay well. I didn't have anything else at the time and thought to myself “how bad can it be?”. It was pretty fucking bad let…

tl;dr: title + Cybereason is a toxic workplace, stay away.

Please hear me out, I've never in my life felt like i had something to say until now.

Burner account because am afraid that this is somehow will come to haunt me later in my career. I have no interest other than spreading a warning to others because this place ruined me for a while.

Last year i was going through a hiring process for a position at this company and i was pretty stoked about it until i decided to go to glass-doors(job review website) and read the reviews of former/current employees; I remember it was all kind of the same: overwhelmingly negative comments about the toxic environment, overworking their employees but that they pay well.

I didn't have anything else at the time and thought to myself “how bad can it be?”. It was pretty fucking bad let me tell you. Upon starting out and settling in it was all sunshine and rainbows, showered me with benefits and a good pay and how everyone here is like a family. It didnt take too long to get a bad vibe, people there were very tensed up and members in my team very early on communicated that it's each one for themselves. I(F29) come from a minority there (tel-aviv) and i got some pretty racist and sexually inappropriate remarks almost daily but that's “just what it is” so i chose to ignore it. The training period was just one week (usually it takes at least a month so this was intense). After 5-6 month of negative experiences both professionally and personally, i quite.

PLEASE IF YOU DONT WANT TO READ ANYTHING ELSE READ THIS: just today i went to glassdoors and decided to leave a bad review so that others would know and not make my mistake but i found out that the review section had been flooded by unbelievable amount of new reviews that make the place sound like Disneyland , obviously to me it was current employees who were making a ton of half-assed (this place is the best) reviews and it was so dishonest that i had to do something but i didnt know what that something is, so i decided that a post here is the least i can do.

English isn't my mother tongue, apologies.

Now at least when someone googles them, they can see this. Good riddance.

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