
Timeclock rounding, 3 minutes early leaving? loose 4.25 hours of pay then.

My new work rounds their time clock punches. So if I clock in and start working 7 minutes before my 7AM starting time that gets rounded to 7AM. If I clocked in 8 minutes before my starting time it would say I was clocked in at 6:45AM. I was not informed of this when starting. My schedule has me working weekends plus Mondays. 12 hour days 7AM-7PM. 36 hours but if you meet the 36 they give you 4 to to get you to 40 as a bonus, but you have to get to the 36 exactly. So I was clocking in 5-6 minutes early every day so I could be on the floor and talk to the guy I am taking the machine over from and see how it went and if I'm coming into a shit show or if its going to be an uneventful day. I would…

My new work rounds their time clock punches. So if I clock in and start working 7 minutes before my 7AM starting time that gets rounded to 7AM. If I clocked in 8 minutes before my starting time it would say I was clocked in at 6:45AM. I was not informed of this when starting. My schedule has me working weekends plus Mondays. 12 hour days 7AM-7PM. 36 hours but if you meet the 36 they give you 4 to to get you to 40 as a bonus, but you have to get to the 36 exactly.

So I was clocking in 5-6 minutes early every day so I could be on the floor and talk to the guy I am taking the machine over from and see how it went and if I'm coming into a shit show or if its going to be an uneventful day. I would stay 5-6 minutes late to do the same thing with whoever takes over for me. Otherwise we would just come in every day to the other operator clocking out and the machine shut down and no knowledge on what happened the last 12 hour other than seeing how many pieces got logged as passing quality control.

I did this Saturday and Sunday. I came in Monday the same 5 minutes early but I left 10 minutes early that day. My machine was already stopped and cleaned up. Trash taken out. No one was running it for the rest of the day. Not knowing about the rounding of my time punches I think I have worked 36 hours and 15 minutes. so I'll still get the 4 hours of time tacked on and be good. Nope I got 35.75 hours of pay. 4.25 hours less than if I had waited 3 minutes to clock out.

I have decided I don't really want to stay much longer because of this BS, but in the meantime I guess I'm either clocking in at 6:52AM or 7:05AM and clocking out at 6:55PM from now on. Going to round me out of so much pay them I'm just gonna play the system you made. What I don't get is that every day at 6:50 a line forms at every time clock. They wait tell 7:00 on the dot to clock in or out. It's rounded meaning everyone is just wasting their time. I am just gonna start cutting the line and clocking out at 6:54 every day and if someone is annoyed I'll inform them that they can because it will just say 7 anyways so who cares.

HR told me their timeclock automatically rounds and automatically puts in the 4 bonus hours so there is nothing she can do. That this is how it works for everyone. From my googling it looks like rounding is legal but I don't know if hinging 4 hours of pay off a 3 minute round down is technically legal or not. But day shift work normal 8 hours 5 days a week so they wouldn't give a shit cause its not a problem for them. I know its not legal to round down if it would have meant overtime for an employee but because I only work 36 I need to do 4 more before I get overtime cause the 4 they give you is unworked time in the system.

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