
Two Years Ago, I went above and beyond for a corporate food chain.

When I was 18, just had a baby and fresh out of high school, I got hired at a place that rhymes with Shmunkin shmonuts. I worked there for 6 months, 5am-12pm, usually stayed late, always on time, worked my ass off. The store manager was often asked to travel to other stores in the area and I was so reliable I usually went with her to help her out. It became a regular thing. I transferred to a new store because I was moving, but the lease ended up being broken and when I tried to move back to my old store, they said my position was filled. I said no problem, told my manager I’d miss her, and moved on. Two and a half years later, my kid is going to preschool and being a stay at home mom with no kid is making me climb the walls.…

When I was 18, just had a baby and fresh out of high school, I got hired at a place that rhymes with Shmunkin shmonuts. I worked there for 6 months, 5am-12pm, usually stayed late, always on time, worked my ass off. The store manager was often asked to travel to other stores in the area and I was so reliable I usually went with her to help her out. It became a regular thing. I transferred to a new store because I was moving, but the lease ended up being broken and when I tried to move back to my old store, they said my position was filled. I said no problem, told my manager I’d miss her, and moved on. Two and a half years later, my kid is going to preschool and being a stay at home mom with no kid is making me climb the walls. I apply at a different branch of the company , and bump into my old manager, who is now regional manager and meeting with the store manager of the store I’m applying at. The store manager is excited I’ve worked at a Dunkin before, and pulls my old manager to the back to see if they can pull my old paperwork so they don’t have to redo it. I hear my old manager yell “Hell No!” So I put my phone down and start to tune in. She’s telling the store manager that I live way too far away (They have my old address from years ago) and that I essentially “quit without notice” ( I explained to her in detail that I would not be living in the area of the new store, so I couldn’t continue working there) so I wasn’t eligible for rehire. She then comes out and greets me, and says she can’t rehire me because of “everything that happened”.

I know better now, but I can’t believe my poor naive self as a teen thought If I worked hard and went above and beyond they would have my back. I suppose that’s big corps for you.

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