
How do I properly respond to my jackass of a boss asking us “How’s it going?”

Every day, my boss shows up an hour later than most of us and with a big smile walks through the workplace asking us “How's it going?!”. I absolutely hate always answering “Good, and yourself?”, “Not too bad!”, or “Great! You?”. They typically don't even give a shit about our answer because they are walking right passed us as we are finishing our response. It's such bullshit because we all know they are doing just fine and dandy driving their custom Mercedes while we are just scraping by and working our asses off so they can lay for their expensive lifestyle. I would love to have some passive response that won't make me come off as complaining, but have them get the damn gist that things are absolutely NOT OKAY. The small talk drives me nuts and it's a bullshit question to ask anyways, especially of you don't even care…

Every day, my boss shows up an hour later than most of us and with a big smile walks through the workplace asking us “How's it going?!”. I absolutely hate always answering “Good, and yourself?”, “Not too bad!”, or “Great! You?”. They typically don't even give a shit about our answer because they are walking right passed us as we are finishing our response. It's such bullshit because we all know they are doing just fine and dandy driving their custom Mercedes while we are just scraping by and working our asses off so they can lay for their expensive lifestyle.
I would love to have some passive response that won't make me come off as complaining, but have them get the damn gist that things are absolutely NOT OKAY. The small talk drives me nuts and it's a bullshit question to ask anyways, especially of you don't even care about the answer to the question.

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