
No Franchise for Me

I've been seriously contemplating opening a Little Caesar's franchise in a space that was recently vacated near my apartment. It's a perfect location and would make a killing. Assuming the profits are as good as I have calculated, I was planning on paying employees at least $18 an hour (more if I could afford it). This would be a big deal since I live in a low income area. BUT I contacted them to see what it takes to open a franchise and besides having a HUGE amount of liquid assets to fund it (I have a few friends willing to invest and was planning on getting a loan for the rest) I also have to have a net worth of $350,000 or more?! I don't know what my net worth is, but it sure as hell isn't that! I guess I get it, they want to know I can…

I've been seriously contemplating opening a Little Caesar's franchise in a space that was recently vacated near my apartment. It's a perfect location and would make a killing. Assuming the profits are as good as I have calculated, I was planning on paying employees at least $18 an hour (more if I could afford it). This would be a big deal since I live in a low income area.

BUT I contacted them to see what it takes to open a franchise and besides having a HUGE amount of liquid assets to fund it (I have a few friends willing to invest and was planning on getting a loan for the rest) I also have to have a net worth of $350,000 or more?! I don't know what my net worth is, but it sure as hell isn't that!

I guess I get it, they want to know I can pay them back if it flops, but damn, can't I agree to a payment plan or something? It just feels like another way corporations are blocking lower income people from moving up and taking a stand for ourselves.

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