
So what now?

So what the fuck are we doing about any of this bullshit that's happening right now? Price gouging, gun violence, politicians who don't represent the majority of American, a fascist movement that's quickly gaining traction with long time corporate backers at the wheel. When are we gonna stop memeing and take to the streets? My mental health has never been worse and I've never worked so hard in my life with such pathetic restitution. It's fucking pathetic that I finally have my WFH job, 12/hr, fulltime hours, and some bennies and it's barely making a difference at all. When are we gonna actually organize a general labor strike instead of posting memes? I heard about a strike in May but never heard anything again. What is the next step? ​ EDIT: Okay so far not great responses. I'm starting to think everyone is just waiting around for someone else to…

So what the fuck are we doing about any of this bullshit that's happening right now? Price gouging, gun violence, politicians who don't represent the majority of American, a fascist movement that's quickly gaining traction with long time corporate backers at the wheel. When are we gonna stop memeing and take to the streets? My mental health has never been worse and I've never worked so hard in my life with such pathetic restitution. It's fucking pathetic that I finally have my WFH job, 12/hr, fulltime hours, and some bennies and it's barely making a difference at all. When are we gonna actually organize a general labor strike instead of posting memes? I heard about a strike in May but never heard anything again. What is the next step?

EDIT: Okay so far not great responses. I'm starting to think everyone is just waiting around for someone else to do something at this point so they can bandwagon.

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