
Opinion: All Talk, No Walk

I see constant suffering, never ending declines in the standards of living and signs of societal collapse. I see post after post after post, complaining.. Whining. Saying this and saying that. Very few have tried. Very few have talked about how they unionized, how they’re trying to change things. Very few talk of solutions and methods to fix things. It’s human nature I suppose? We need to vent, we need to be heard but that only makes things worse when we’re all just screaming into a void. The worlds needs us to act, there has to be a genuine and physical effort to fight against the “man” and take back the middle class. Posts do very little but raise awareness and while awareness is great, action is better. Change is better. Be an agent of change, not another meagre voice in the endless sea of human suffering. L

I see constant suffering, never ending declines in the standards of living and signs of societal collapse.

I see post after post after post, complaining.. Whining. Saying this and saying that. Very few have tried.

Very few have talked about how they unionized, how they’re trying to change things. Very few talk of solutions and methods to fix things.

It’s human nature I suppose? We need to vent, we need to be heard but that only makes things worse when we’re all just screaming into a void.

The worlds needs us to act, there has to be a genuine and physical effort to fight against the “man” and take back the middle class.

Posts do very little but raise awareness and while awareness is great, action is better. Change is better.

Be an agent of change, not another meagre voice in the endless sea of human suffering. L

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