
I am beyond frustrated with my work. Today is pay day and they paid me for one week, not two.

Today is pay day. I log on to my bank account to pay this pay periods bills and see if I even have enough to put gas in the car and get groceries. I look at my direct deposit and it's $800. My paycheck is usually $1200ish. I look at the virtual pat stub and they only paid me for one week. Literally I was shorted 42 hours. This is beyond frustrating because this isn't the first time this has happened. The last time this happened we had holiday pay on the following paycheck. I got absolutely dragged by taxes on it, to the point one of my friends pay checks for 2 weeks was more than mine for 3 weeks. My best friend offered to loan me the money I was shorted and I told him I couldn't even pay him back because of taxes. I'm literally crying right…

Today is pay day. I log on to my bank account to pay this pay periods bills and see if I even have enough to put gas in the car and get groceries. I look at my direct deposit and it's $800. My paycheck is usually $1200ish. I look at the virtual pat stub and they only paid me for one week. Literally I was shorted 42 hours.

This is beyond frustrating because this isn't the first time this has happened. The last time this happened we had holiday pay on the following paycheck. I got absolutely dragged by taxes on it, to the point one of my friends pay checks for 2 weeks was more than mine for 3 weeks.

My best friend offered to loan me the money I was shorted and I told him I couldn't even pay him back because of taxes. I'm literally crying right now because not only do the bills I pay for this period eat up my entire paycheck, I have to dip in to my savings because the power bill, the water bill, my car note, and my car insurance all get taken from this period. I've literally lost a week of work to taxes. I hate this fucking job.

I don't want a hand out. I don't want pity. I want the money I earned by busting my ass for 42 hours.

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