
Why does fighting for what’s right feel like punishment?

Hey all. I'm the breadwinner of my family. While I make decent enough money, I was stunted in growing in my current position with a toxic supervisor. My agency solicited for a temporary detail of 9 months in a different country to assist in establishing an international team. Pay is much more generous, but not only am I separated from my family, I would also have to return to my prior position. My family fully supported me in doing this. I've been here 1 month so far and everything is red flag after red flag with my team lead. My teammates and I have been verbally berated and attempted to be physically intimidated by team lead. We all made reports to the grand boss in charge of this team. Grand boss took this seriously and is now speaking to us one by one. I've been trying my best to avoid…

Hey all. I'm the breadwinner of my family. While I make decent enough money, I was stunted in growing in my current position with a toxic supervisor. My agency solicited for a temporary detail of 9 months in a different country to assist in establishing an international team. Pay is much more generous, but not only am I separated from my family, I would also have to return to my prior position. My family fully supported me in doing this.

I've been here 1 month so far and everything is red flag after red flag with my team lead. My teammates and I have been verbally berated and attempted to be physically intimidated by team lead. We all made reports to the grand boss in charge of this team. Grand boss took this seriously and is now speaking to us one by one. I've been trying my best to avoid team lead since the incident, but some things are unavoidable.

There was a document they wanted me to handle the next day at work. However, I was dedicated to other projects all day and sent an email to TL letting them know I wouldn't be able to take care of document. Cue email back stating that their requests are top priority and above all else. I took issue with that. Again, today, my hours were dedicated to projects. I seriously did not have time. Nevermind the fact TL could have handled it, but instead they wasted way more time trying to get me to do it. Not anyone else, just me.

Today, the TL trapped me at work and was threatening towards my position here. They threatened to kick me off of the team because it seems I won't listen to them and that I challenge authority. I told them I prefer to be spoken to with decency and respect and that was my primary issue at this time. I let my Grand boss know and they told me to write another statement. My teammates are all telling me to keep my head down and just be compliant because this could blow back on me.

I have nothing I have done wrong, but why does it feel that way? Why does this feel like tattle taling? Why do I feel like I'm in the wrong here? I know I'm standing up for myself, but everyone except Grand boss is making me feel like I'm wrong for this. Is it because I've been conditioned to take abuse and bullshit lying down? Or am I really doing something wrong?

If I decide on my own to leave this opportunity I'll go back to another toxic workplace. I came here in part to escape that. I've been applying to other jobs since the incident and have a couple of interviews set up. But the hiring in my industry takes a good while so I am foreseeing being stuck here.

Thanks for reading, I know it was a lot.

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