
Who else feels that people who make less than 75% of their income from working shouldn’t be able to tell people who make 90-100% of their income from working how easy it is to make an income from working?

I’m tired of wealthy homeowners whose houses increase in value by 30%, 40%, 50% of their annual salary every year, talking about how easy it is to live off wages. Sure, if you own a home that is basically a brick-and-mortar retirement plan, maybe it’s not so bad. The rest of us are hardly getting by and we won’t have a nice big house to sell when we’re tired an old. We’re just going to have to keep working. Big capitalists are obviously people who have an interest in pretending all of us can cope on poor wages, but I swear there are a lot of middle class/ upper middle class people out there, who rely on their assets for their income just enough that they’re still willing to swear the system isn’t rigged and let the rest of us drown while they stay just above water.

I’m tired of wealthy homeowners whose houses increase in value by 30%, 40%, 50% of their annual salary every year, talking about how easy it is to live off wages. Sure, if you own a home that is basically a brick-and-mortar retirement plan, maybe it’s not so bad. The rest of us are hardly getting by and we won’t have a nice big house to sell when we’re tired an old. We’re just going to have to keep working.

Big capitalists are obviously people who have an interest in pretending all of us can cope on poor wages, but I swear there are a lot of middle class/ upper middle class people out there, who rely on their assets for their income just enough that they’re still willing to swear the system isn’t rigged and let the rest of us drown while they stay just above water.

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