
Am I Stupid

So I have been at a logistics job for 2 and 1/2 weeks. I knew nothing about dispatch and load building. Today my supervisor got frustrated with me because I didnt know a certain place was a holding place and that I had to change its origin and destination. He Critiques my emails down to font and color. I get most of it but there is still some small things I dont always get. It is breaking my heart because I want to do well and keep the job. It pays 15 an hour which is good for where I am.

So I have been at a logistics job for 2 and 1/2 weeks. I knew nothing about dispatch and load building. Today my supervisor got frustrated with me because I didnt know a certain place was a holding place and that I had to change its origin and destination. He Critiques my emails down to font and color. I get most of it but there is still some small things I dont always get. It is breaking my heart because I want to do well and keep the job. It pays 15 an hour which is good for where I am.

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