
Profession vs. Vocation

There have been a lot of posts here lately saying something along the lines of “don't bother trying to find enjoyment in your job, it's simply a means to an end (making money to survive)”. While I completely understand this sentiment, I derive a lot of enjoyment out of helping people. Unfortunately I haven't yet been able to work somewhere where I feel like I can do that authentically (I've been working in marketing for 7+ years, thus my essential function is to make companies more money). That said, I'm considering going back to school to become a therapist. There's no shortage of people who need help improving their mental health in this often fucked-up world, and I know I can make a positive impact here (which would be fulfilling for me). The trade-off, of course, is going into more debt due to student loans and earning about half as…

There have been a lot of posts here lately saying something along the lines of “don't bother trying to find enjoyment in your job, it's simply a means to an end (making money to survive)”. While I completely understand this sentiment, I derive a lot of enjoyment out of helping people. Unfortunately I haven't yet been able to work somewhere where I feel like I can do that authentically (I've been working in marketing for 7+ years, thus my essential function is to make companies more money).

That said, I'm considering going back to school to become a therapist. There's no shortage of people who need help improving their mental health in this often fucked-up world, and I know I can make a positive impact here (which would be fulfilling for me). The trade-off, of course, is going into more debt due to student loans and earning about half as much money as I do now. Most days I see this as a worthwhile transition, but it's scary too (thanks capitalism)!

I see this as profession (marketing) vs vocation (therapy). Obviously none of us here really want to work, but if we must, I desperately want to believe that there is some value in prioritizing joy when looking for work. If we settle for not bothering to enjoy what we do, we run the risk of hating every moment of it and flailing around in some miserable existence. I personally want to “play the game” only as long as I have to, in a way that isn't soul -sucking, while authentically maintaining my anti-capitalist ideals. I can't do that and work in marketing.

One final thing to note, I'm a cis white American man with an undergrad degree. I know my privilege has a massive influence on my entire experience.

So what should I do, Reddit? Should I stop worrying about enjoying my job and just earn lots of money in a soulless career in order to retire faster? Should I pivot hard and help people cope with their capitalism-induced anxiety and depression? Or should I just say fuck it all, give up all my possessions, and go sleep on a beach somewhere?

Interested to hear your thoughts.

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