
Random audio recording (UK)

I just finished my first week at an engineering company and yesterday I heard something from a collegue that gave me the creeps. His friend who also works on his section of the workshop almost got fired for joking about the ceo IN A PRIVATE CONVERSATION between two people waaaay outside of the workshop in the parking area. Not because the boss was right behind him, but because he has random audio recording cameras setup in places… Surely thats Illeagal in the UK? The joke was 100% valid too because the guy gave me the heebie-jeebies from the first time I met him. He plays the “I'm just like you guys” thing and gives off Zucherberg energy, Now I can confirm if this is true that he is infact a monster psycho. You know the way serial killers can come off? Charming? Well to do? Like that…

I just finished my first week at an engineering company and yesterday I heard something from a collegue that gave me the creeps. His friend who also works on his section of the workshop almost got fired for joking about the ceo IN A PRIVATE CONVERSATION between two people waaaay outside of the workshop in the parking area. Not because the boss was right behind him, but because he has random audio recording cameras setup in places…
Surely thats Illeagal in the UK?

The joke was 100% valid too because the guy gave me the heebie-jeebies from the first time I met him. He plays the “I'm just like you guys” thing and gives off Zucherberg energy, Now I can confirm if this is true that he is infact a monster psycho. You know the way serial killers can come off? Charming? Well to do? Like that…

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