
leaving after 3 years, no counter from bosses

Leaving my company after 18 years, and 3 years in my current department because I am not given a promotion even with stellar review year over year and being the only SME of the department. My leadership pigeon holed me and I feel dormant not being able to strategize on my own. I tried applying for internal jobs that I'm qualified for yet not even a call from the recruiters. I looked outside and within a couple of weeks, I received interviews and offers from health care companies and Fortune Top 50 companies for higher pay and higher title. What gives?

Leaving my company after 18 years, and 3 years in my current department because I am not given a promotion even with stellar review year over year and being the only SME of the department. My leadership pigeon holed me and I feel dormant not being able to strategize on my own. I tried applying for internal jobs that I'm qualified for yet not even a call from the recruiters. I looked outside and within a couple of weeks, I received interviews and offers from health care companies and Fortune Top 50 companies for higher pay and higher title.

What gives?

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