
Quit my school job, what next?

I worked a shitty public school job for the last 4 years, the typical overworked, underpaid, treated like shit by administration. I genuinely enjoyed the job itself, I loved my students and most of my coworkers, but it paid so far below a living wage that I've been living with my parents the whole time (who genuinely enjoy the setup, thankfully) and the disrespect was so bad even my doctor told me to quit for my mental health. The problem is, I have no idea what to do next. I have a bachelor's degree in a “useless” humanities field. I was Teaching English as a Foreign Language certified last summer, and I'm planning on applying for some jobs in other countries, but all the ones I'm looking at wouldn't start until next Spring (assuming I get accepted in the first place), so I need a short-term job and insurance until…

I worked a shitty public school job for the last 4 years, the typical overworked, underpaid, treated like shit by administration. I genuinely enjoyed the job itself, I loved my students and most of my coworkers, but it paid so far below a living wage that I've been living with my parents the whole time (who genuinely enjoy the setup, thankfully) and the disrespect was so bad even my doctor told me to quit for my mental health. The problem is, I have no idea what to do next.

I have a bachelor's degree in a “useless” humanities field. I was Teaching English as a Foreign Language certified last summer, and I'm planning on applying for some jobs in other countries, but all the ones I'm looking at wouldn't start until next Spring (assuming I get accepted in the first place), so I need a short-term job and insurance until then.

Thankfully, it's not an urgent decision. Since I finished working through the school year, the school district will provide insurance my through the summer, and I have a part time job at a summer camp that pays almost as much as I made working full-time at my school. But the job ends after July, and my insurance runs through August, so I need something figured out by then.

The obvious candidates are retail or food service, but as pretty much everyone I've had awful experiences with those and would really, really rather not if at all possible. Yall are a big part of what gave me the strength to quit my shitty job in the first place, so I thought I would ask if any of yall have advice for how to handle this next step.

tl;dr I quit my shitty school job and am fine for the summer, but need a new job come fall that ideally won't make me hate my life again, but I'm having no luck with that part

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