
If you want to quit your job, you need to change your mindset around money and make it a priority

Before the pandemic, I used to take the bus to work sometimes. I've always been a cheap person and try to save money if I can. At the time I was working at a coffee place and you could tell most of the people working there weren't frugal like they spend a lot of money on clothes, social events, eating out, etc. Well one time after work when I went to the bus stop one of my coworker saw me. Well the next time we worked together, she told me she saw me at the bus stop and I told her yes I did take the bus home that day. So then she asked me why don't I just drive. I told her I was trying to save gas. Then the conversation ended she didn't say anything back. Last summer you all probably remember when things open up, there's a…

Before the pandemic, I used to take the bus to work sometimes. I've always been a cheap person and try to save money if I can. At the time I was working at a coffee place and you could tell most of the people working there weren't frugal like they spend a lot of money on clothes, social events, eating out, etc.

Well one time after work when I went to the bus stop one of my coworker saw me. Well the next time we worked together, she told me she saw me at the bus stop and I told her yes I did take the bus home that day. So then she asked me why don't I just drive. I told her I was trying to save gas. Then the conversation ended she didn't say anything back.

Last summer you all probably remember when things open up, there's a rush of people going out to places like restaurants, bars, concerts, etc since everyone have been stuck at home. So if you work at any places with social gathering, you probably saw a significant increase in customers compare to spring of last year. But my workplace was treating it like it's still the pandemic pretty much the whole summer and even into the fall. We were overworked since they didn't scheduled more people on shift in order to save money. Pretty much all weekends we would get over run by customers (lot of orders, customers, no time to clean, no time for breaks, etc. It got to the point where I would get angry while working. So I finally decided to quit. Long story short it did not go smoothly as expected. If they actually cared about their employees we wouldn't be over runned every weekend with no resolution. Pretty much everyone that worked there knew about the issues but just refused to take action. So before my last day I did ask that same employee who criticized me for taking the bus if she's thinking about quitting since she is fully aware of the issues we faced as well. Her response was that she has bills to pay and can't quit. She needs the money and this job is stable. I talked to her a few times after I left. She mentioned how it's hotter now that she has to keep the ac on more often even when she's at work since she has pet. (Which drives up the bill)

My point is not that you will be able to quit your job by saving a little money here or there. Also it's harder for some of us to quit our jobs depending on how much expenses/responsibilities we have. But by being a frugal and smart with your spendings, you will be able to have more money, which gives you more options.

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