
Can I get fired for going to the restroom?

I'm 18 and have been working at a local pizza restaurant since January. I just got fired earlier today because I had to use the restroom and couldn't hold it. I was working nonstop for about 2 hours, and the restaurant was pretty slow, so I thought it was a good time to go. I was gone for only 5 minutes, and once I returned, there were two customers waiting to order, so RIGHT before I could go behind the counter and place their orders, the manager repeatedly told me to go home since I was “keeping the customers waiting”. Needless to say, I stormed out. That wasn't the only problem I experienced at that job, but that was my final straw. Can I really get fired just for taking a shit? If it helps, I live in Texas.

I'm 18 and have been working at a local pizza restaurant since January. I just got fired earlier today because I had to use the restroom and couldn't hold it. I was working nonstop for about 2 hours, and the restaurant was pretty slow, so I thought it was a good time to go.

I was gone for only 5 minutes, and once I returned, there were two customers waiting to order, so RIGHT before I could go behind the counter and place their orders, the manager repeatedly told me to go home since I was “keeping the customers waiting”. Needless to say, I stormed out.

That wasn't the only problem I experienced at that job, but that was my final straw. Can I really get fired just for taking a shit? If it helps, I live in Texas.

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