
Plant Reviews on Job Sites

I've been job hunting recently and can't help but notice the blatantly planted reviews by shady companies for the sake of unfairly balancing out company ratings. I always see generic phrases like “Management really cares”, “We're like a big family here” or “A Fun and Fair Job to Work at”. The reviews that are short, overly positive with literally no constructive criticism, and generic compliments always comes off to me as disingenuous. It's like it was written by a happy robot or something. You see one genuine review with a realistic score, and out of nowhere, there's a generic 5 star review a month later like it was retaliation. I understand that anybody can say anything they want, even if they're a paid shill. Same with overly bitter and spiteful ex-employees who could be distorting the truth. I always find the reviews with poor spelling and grammar to be more…

I've been job hunting recently and can't help but notice the blatantly planted reviews by shady companies for the sake of unfairly balancing out company ratings. I always see generic phrases like “Management really cares”, “We're like a big family here” or “A Fun and Fair Job to Work at”. The reviews that are short, overly positive with literally no constructive criticism, and generic compliments always comes off to me as disingenuous. It's like it was written by a happy robot or something. You see one genuine review with a realistic score, and out of nowhere, there's a generic 5 star review a month later like it was retaliation. I understand that anybody can say anything they want, even if they're a paid shill. Same with overly bitter and spiteful ex-employees who could be distorting the truth. I always find the reviews with poor spelling and grammar to be more truthful than anything else. It makes finding a job a slippery slope nowadays if you can't read between the lines.

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