
Should have known better than to talk to my parents

I just got a job offer after an interview that went really well. They offered me my desired salary (a sign I should have asked for more) but I'm not thrilled with some of the benefits. When I told my parents they (of course) said I actually got a really good offer and shouldn't be upset they pulled a bait and switch on time off and that it's not a big deal to lose out on some retirement matching. I lost my cool when they said that's the way all companies are heading and told them their spineless generation led to an erosion of workers rights for future generations. They think I am being unreasonable and that I'm going to be making good money. I am compared to most people, but adjusted for inflation it's the same as my dad would have made 20 years ago, except I have a…

I just got a job offer after an interview that went really well. They offered me my desired salary (a sign I should have asked for more) but I'm not thrilled with some of the benefits. When I told my parents they (of course) said I actually got a really good offer and shouldn't be upset they pulled a bait and switch on time off and that it's not a big deal to lose out on some retirement matching.

I lost my cool when they said that's the way all companies are heading and told them their spineless generation led to an erosion of workers rights for future generations. They think I am being unreasonable and that I'm going to be making good money. I am compared to most people, but adjusted for inflation it's the same as my dad would have made 20 years ago, except I have a much more technical (and expensive) college degree than he did. There is no winning.

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