
Is it legal for a job to monitor you, to the point that 5 minutes of idleness can be subject to termination?

Hi all, I’m uploading this for a friend “My call center tracks so many metrics it’s hard to keep up. I provide customer service over email and my entire team works from home. We already have a very strict limit set on handle time that it is exhausting to meet. Since this tracks how quickly we are writing and sending emails any time we are clocked in, it should provide enough information to show that we are working hard and staying on task. However, they now have announced they are also tracking how long we stay on any given screen without typing. If we don’t type for 5 minutes, they are going to assume we have walked away and are doing something else in our house and are committing work avoidance. This will be subject to disciplinary action, up to termination. I don’t think it’s ethical, but can anyone tell…

Hi all, I’m uploading this for a friend

“My call center tracks so many metrics it’s hard to keep up. I provide customer service over email and my entire team works from home. We already have a very strict limit set on handle time that it is exhausting to meet. Since this tracks how quickly we are writing and sending emails any time we are clocked in, it should provide enough information to show that we are working hard and staying on task. However, they now have announced they are also tracking how long we stay on any given screen without typing. If we don’t type for 5 minutes, they are going to assume we have walked away and are doing something else in our house and are committing work avoidance. This will be subject to disciplinary action, up to termination. I don’t think it’s ethical, but can anyone tell me if this is legal? We have been in queue every second of the day for months. Our shifts usually feel like we are on a treadmill on the fastest speed and can’t slow down, let alone get off. It’s become unsustainable and a lot of team members get migraines from staring at a screen all day, without even being able to look away for 5 minutes. A few coworkers are also single parents of small children who are out of school for the summer, so I have no idea how they will manage this expectation. Just hoping to get some insight before I cause any sort of a fuss! Thanks in advance. This is in Utah if that’s helpful.”

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