
My current company sent a Cease & Desist letter to my new employer

It's regarding poaching. One of the former employees stopped by the office to pick up a check 2 weeks ago and was talking to some of his old co-workers in the parking lot. I guess the owner got worried he was going to take people with him. I wasn't involved in the conversation. Well, i had a bad review and started looking for another job. I contacted the main boss at the company that former coworker went to and they offered me a job. I'm the only person that has actually been offered a job at that company, everyone else was just having a conversation in the parking lot. I put my two weeks in yesterday and my current boss didn't counter me to try to get me to stay. He said I was welcome to come back if I want and that he wants me to stay for the…

It's regarding poaching. One of the former employees stopped by the office to pick up a check 2 weeks ago and was talking to some of his old co-workers in the parking lot. I guess the owner got worried he was going to take people with him. I wasn't involved in the conversation.

Well, i had a bad review and started looking for another job. I contacted the main boss at the company that former coworker went to and they offered me a job. I'm the only person that has actually been offered a job at that company, everyone else was just having a conversation in the parking lot.

I put my two weeks in yesterday and my current boss didn't counter me to try to get me to stay. He said I was welcome to come back if I want and that he wants me to stay for the full 2 weeks. He did say he was surprised by me leaving.

My name wasn't listed in the C&D but now new boss is worried that he won't be legally able to hire me. Yes, lawyers are involved. I'm not staying at my current company even if I'm prevented from going to the new one. Fck them. They are toxic, disrespectful, treat people horribly.

Just wondering if anyone knows about this situation and if I need to start filling out job applications elsewhere.

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