
just let It all burn

Hello there, 1st time poster, long time Lurker and not a Merican, so sorry for the English grammar. I posted this is also in /malicious compliance. I am a traindriver and a week ago I had a early shift, I had to bring a train from one station to the Railyard. There I had to park the train on one of the tracks and, then in 5 minutes depart with another train. That rail yard is big and I won't be in that train in 5 minutes. The normal time to switch between trains is 20 minutes, And that can be shortened if there is a emergency. There was none at the time, So I was thinking should I just call to get some help or just let it all burn meaning, to depart with a huge delay. This happens often the last couple of months due to a lot…

Hello there, 1st time poster, long time Lurker and not a Merican, so sorry for the English grammar. I posted this is also in /malicious compliance.

I am a traindriver and a week ago I had a early shift, I had to bring a train from one station to the Railyard. There I had to park the train on one of the tracks and, then in 5 minutes depart with another train. That rail yard is big and I won't be in that train in 5 minutes.

The normal time to switch between trains is 20 minutes, And that can be shortened if there is a emergency. There was none at the time, So I was thinking should I just call to get some help or just let it all burn meaning, to depart with a huge delay. This happens often the last couple of months due to a lot of sick people and shortage. So I decided to just let it all fall apart. I made a call to the planners to tell them what's up and that I can't make it in 5 minutes and started to take a nice and, easy stroll to my train. 25 minutes later I departed, my whole shift was changed, trains were cancelled. and I could even leave an, hour early.

This was the first time that I did something like this and, it felt awesome and I would do it again in a heartbeat, Power to the people.

PS: for the people who will say that I only F*cked the Commuters. Unfortunately any act of rebellion as a traindriver/conductor like this or striking will affect the Commuters I wish it was different.

EDIT: I forgot to add we have some guidelines for switching between trains and what not. We normally get, 20 minutes to switch between trains not 5 never ever 5.

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