
I’ve been working for 2 years to with the vauge goal of saving for a house. I have a girlfriend I love very much and no dependents. would it be wrong to say fuck it and go on a month long trip travelling cheaply where ever the mood takes me. isn’t this the point of working.. so you can do stuff

Oops I didn't realise my title was so long. TL:DR I feel like just up and leaving everything for a bit to try and see if I can enjoy life a bit more. Also for extra info I'm self employed so if I do that I won't lose my job.

Oops I didn't realise my title was so long.
TL:DR I feel like just up and leaving everything for a bit to try and see if I can enjoy life a bit more.
Also for extra info I'm self employed so if I do that I won't lose my job.

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