
just a boss being a prick rant.

I'm in food delivery. We have 2 jobs. Make food, deliver it. Seriously. The job is not hard, the money is crap but easy to make, and the laws we have to follow are simple and strait forward. Clean, clean, clean, cook food properly, deliver safely, clean some more. I swear. Every fu**** day. There is something. I'm not even a manager and I see how horrible the place is. Boss man is such a powermad pervy creep. Would it kill you to NOT try to deny humans their basic rights, care about their well being rather than your bottom line, and actually use your brain for once? I'm fighting him every step of the way just to ensure he doesn't kill someone by being lazy. Wanna know the worst part? All my coworkers are on my side but none have the will to fight back. I've burdened myself with…

I'm in food delivery. We have 2 jobs. Make food, deliver it.

Seriously. The job is not hard, the money is crap but easy to make, and the laws we have to follow are simple and strait forward.

Clean, clean, clean, cook food properly, deliver safely, clean some more.

I swear. Every fu**** day. There is something. I'm not even a manager and I see how horrible the place is. Boss man is such a powermad pervy creep. Would it kill you to NOT try to deny humans their basic rights, care about their well being rather than your bottom line, and actually use your brain for once?

I'm fighting him every step of the way just to ensure he doesn't kill someone by being lazy.

Wanna know the worst part? All my coworkers are on my side but none have the will to fight back. I've burdened myself with ensuring that they don't get manipulated and abused just so his anger is directed at me rather than them. It's gonna come to a head in the next few days, I can feel it. And one way or another I'm gonna end up drawing the short stick. But is it worth it to see the anger in his eyes when I call him out on his shit? You bet your ass it is. Hate me. Loathe me. Rage that your house of cards is crumbling by a single pissed off human being. All you had to do was reprimand one single person for one single action but no. You played favorites. Well now the target is on your back. I dare you to do something. I've got so many recordings it would make your head spin. I won't hit you. Your not good enough to settle this like men. Your gonna lose everything you worked 20 years for because you believe your better than the staff who work for you and you pissed of the wrong man.

I am the villain in glasses.

I am pissed.

And the law is on my side.

I may not win but by the time I'm done, you will wish I had.

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