
Low Wages/School Making Me Suicidal

Hey everyone, I'm currently a full-time employed, full-time college student. I come from a middle class family, but they don't support me financially so I had to take up a job in order to pay for college and my rent as I can't get a loan due to thin credit history. The thing is though, that despite working full time I cannot afford to live anymore. My car payment is 227, house is 750, electric 100+, insurance 178, gas is 70, water/trash is 85. I have even more bills on top of that as I am getting married, and also have a kid on the way due to birth control failing. I only make 13 an hour working as a technician at a job that qualifies as skilled labor, being IT Support/Networking IT. I feel as if I'm being fucked by a cactus by stress 24/7 as I barely have…

Hey everyone,

I'm currently a full-time employed, full-time college student. I come from a middle class family, but they don't support me financially so I had to take up a job in order to pay for college and my rent as I can't get a loan due to thin credit history.

The thing is though, that despite working full time I cannot afford to live anymore. My car payment is 227, house is 750, electric 100+, insurance 178, gas is 70, water/trash is 85. I have even more bills on top of that as I am getting married, and also have a kid on the way due to birth control failing.

I only make 13 an hour working as a technician at a job that qualifies as skilled labor, being IT Support/Networking IT. I feel as if I'm being fucked by a cactus by stress 24/7 as I barely have above 20 in my account at all times and I just can't take it anymore.

My life consists of wake up, do homework, sleep, repeat. I can't go out, go on a date, do anything fun and I cannot afford the fucking shit to do it with. I only make a total of 27k a year doing work way harder than someone at McDonald's and get paid less then they do!

I was on my way home today, and had to about stop because I felt like driving myself off a cliff. It's so much stress on me I cannot fucking live normally anymore. I've been suffering ever since I left high-school and I don't know how much longer I can continue.

It just sucks as I have 3 years of college. My job deals with azure, server management, wireless Hotspot, customer support, ticket resolves, gpo, AD, website design and just about every single thing on the planet dealing with IT yet I get paid fucking shit. I'm tired of being fucked over in life.

Before this I worked at Walmart for 2 years and that sucked too.

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