
How to deal with this toxic coworker

I am in medical field and I have an assistant. We work overnight and work our butt off to get things done. For her (day shift woman)she is lazy. When I come to my shift she would say that other departments didn’t finish paperwork still for our patients and I wouldn’t complain I would try to get things done in my shift. For me when I give her shift report she would do anything to make me look bad. Like today I told her that nurses didn’t have available meds so they postponed procedures. She stood in the middle of the room throwing a tantrum like it was my fault. My assistant was there and she started explaining ourselves to her which pissed me more off. I said the nurses names are documented if anyone wants to complain. I will see you tonight and I left. Not only that I…

I am in medical field and I have an assistant. We work overnight and work our butt off to get things done. For her (day shift woman)she is lazy.
When I come to my shift she would say that other departments didn’t finish paperwork still for our patients and I wouldn’t complain I would try to get things done in my shift.
For me when I give her shift report she would do anything to make me look bad. Like today I told her that nurses didn’t have available meds so they postponed procedures. She stood in the middle of the room throwing a tantrum like it was my fault. My assistant was there and she started explaining ourselves to her which pissed me more off. I said the nurses names are documented if anyone wants to complain. I will see you tonight and I left.
Not only that I am new so she lied to me about something and I believed her next thing I know she emailed the manager saying that I don’t know this thing and she was trying to teach me.
She is a coward and stab me in the back.
Doctors push her to do unsafe things to patients and she does them. She is angry that I didnt and that I fought for my patients safety. She left pdfs on computer about her messages to doctors about me sabotaging me.
I am going to see her this evening how to tell her to back off and apologize to me and my assistant

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