
Update: Bad GM Done Goofed

So, it took two phone calls for the owners to negotiate directly with me. The first one (that I was unaware of until two days ago) was from a group of five of my coworkers who essentially stated that if I was terminated or left due to Bad GM's mismanagement, all of them would walk- essentially leaving the hotel with two front desk people (Bad GM and Habitually Tardy). The second phone call was me informing the owners that, due to how Bad GM has opened negotiations, I felt like any offer made by her was not only insincere, but likely duplicitous. I ended the call by thanking the brothers for the opportunity to work for them and expressing how grateful I was that they took a chance on me. They asked me to give them 24 hours to talk to Bad GM and asked what she had done/said to…

So, it took two phone calls for the owners to negotiate directly with me.

The first one (that I was unaware of until two days ago) was from a group of five of my coworkers who essentially stated that if I was terminated or left due to Bad GM's mismanagement, all of them would walk- essentially leaving the hotel with two front desk people (Bad GM and Habitually Tardy).

The second phone call was me informing the owners that, due to how Bad GM has opened negotiations, I felt like any offer made by her was not only insincere, but likely duplicitous. I ended the call by thanking the brothers for the opportunity to work for them and expressing how grateful I was that they took a chance on me. They asked me to give them 24 hours to talk to Bad GM and asked what she had done/said to make me feel that she was being deceitful.

I explained how she had opened the conversation with 'I was told to…' and her comments about how I had found a new job in my old field quicker than she had anticipated. I was then asked about her mismanagement and I explained the issues that I was having with her. (Ex: accusations of reverse racism for speaking Spanish to my Latinx coworkers/homophobia for wearing a demi-pride dragon pinned to my blouse, my schedule being unstable and changing at the drop of a hat, how none of my time off requests- submitted no less than two weeks in advance- had been approved, the direct deposit situation and her commentary thereon, the lack of repairs done to rooms that need repairs, etc.) I told the owners that Bad GM did not make the property feel like a safe space and that it was my opinion that we would fail any future inspections by our parent company due to Bad GM.

After that call, the owners did a surprise inspection and- lol and behold!- every room that I said needed repairs actually needed repairs. One fourth-floor room had a gap in the window that was nearly a half-inch between the window and the frame where someone had tried to force it open. Tiles in bathrooms needed replaced. Air conditioning units were malfunctioning. Most of these were repairs that Bad GM had told the owners were 'taken care of.'

Anyway, so, last night, on what was supposed to be my last shift at the hotel, the owners called me and asked me what I wanted in order to stay. On the (maybe joking????) recommendations of a few commenters on my last post, I said, “Bare minimum? The direct deposit situation is fixed for ALL of the employees at (property)- regardless of what Bad GM says about it, direct deposit is an industry standard, if not a national standard. We give you a minimum of 40 hours a week of our lives, we should NOT have to chase our money every other Friday. Beyond that… I want the open assistant general manager position and a three month transfer to (sister property) for training.”

The owners agreed on the spot! They told me that the Sunday night shift would be my last one at property A, that they, personally, were guaranteeing my requested time off, and I can start at property B on Wednesday. They also agreed to a 30 day fix to the direct deposit situation because Banking Is Complicated.

So, it looks like I am staying- for now. I'm away from Bad GM and I will only be picking up random shifts at property A as needed until I finish my AGM training. Wish me luck.

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