
Do I Quit on Day 1 ??

I quit my previous position after being turned down for a raise multiple times. I started at the company part time and it morphed into full time within a year. I started looking for something new, got it (with a great raise), and put in my notice. Since accepting this job, it has been nearly impossible to get ahold of anyone with questions. I’m currently sitting on my couch on my first day with no idea what I’m doing and no way to work because they didn’t send me a computer to work off of (I am fully remote). When I texted the recruiter I interviewed with, I would sometimes get an answer, they would claim they would call, and I would get nothing back. I received a text from them asking if I received my equipment at 5PM the Sunday before I was supposed to start, to which I…

I quit my previous position after being turned down for a raise multiple times. I started at the company part time and it morphed into full time within a year. I started looking for something new, got it (with a great raise), and put in my notice.

Since accepting this job, it has been nearly impossible to get ahold of anyone with questions. I’m currently sitting on my couch on my first day with no idea what I’m doing and no way to work because they didn’t send me a computer to work off of (I am fully remote).

When I texted the recruiter I interviewed with, I would sometimes get an answer, they would claim they would call, and I would get nothing back. I received a text from them asking if I received my equipment at 5PM the Sunday before I was supposed to start, to which I obviously replied, no. I had asked both the recruiter and HR if I should just plan to be in office to pick the items up on my first day (I’m about 2 hours from the HQ), they said no. On top of all of this, a couple days after accepting the offer that I laid out for them, HR called to say there was a mistake and attempted to get me to sign an offer letter $10k under my minimum parameters that were agreed upon with the recruiter. I did not accept this offer and was granted the originally agreed upon offer.

I honestly loved my previous job, I only left because the pay was horrible, but, before I left, I was offered a comparable position on my same team at the same salary as the new place. The issue: absolutely no room for growth after I graduate in IT. The only reason I declined the counter offer is the promised growth after graduation, but the communication (almost complete lack there of), is driving me up a fucking wall.

It’s my first day, I clocked in and will stay clocked in regardless because this is not on me and I expect to get paid. But do I say fuck it and quit on day 1 due to these issues?

TLDR: New job communication has been downright terrible and I can’t work on first day because I don’t have equipment and have no idea what’s going on. Do I quit on my first day and attempt to accept my previous employer’s counter offer?

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