
What TF is this new bullshit

Started a new job bc the owners promised me better hours, better pay, more opportunity. Like a moron…I fell for it. I’m now working for some assholes who think they are IG famous, act like the fucking Kardashians with their shitty entitled attitudes. Micro manage every move every employee makes. Has pointless meetings everyday just to hear themselves speak. Doesn’t provide check stubs bc apparently they don’t have to unless requested! Leaves town on a whim and emails asking for lists of tasks we are working on. Has the most overcrowded uncomfortable office I’ve ever been in. Tells us the customer is ALWAYS right which means there’s no fucking back up even if you did nothing wrong. Expects us to be available every time they need us. Has no set days or hours off so you get screwed bc you might not be able to take a day off based…

Started a new job bc the owners promised me better hours, better pay, more opportunity. Like a moron…I fell for it.

I’m now working for some assholes who think they are IG famous, act like the fucking Kardashians with their shitty entitled attitudes. Micro manage every move every employee makes. Has pointless meetings everyday just to hear themselves speak. Doesn’t provide check stubs bc apparently they don’t have to unless requested! Leaves town on a whim and emails asking for lists of tasks we are working on. Has the most overcrowded uncomfortable office I’ve ever been in. Tells us the customer is ALWAYS right which means there’s no fucking back up even if you did nothing wrong. Expects us to be available every time they need us. Has no set days or hours off so you get screwed bc you might not be able to take a day off based on “business needs”. There’s no business phone available anywhere so you use your personal phone if you need to conduct business.

The employees here are all 21-23 years old and this is most of their first real jobs. They are brainwashed into thinking this is normal.

I have to work to pay my damn bills but I’m at the point I’m going to walk the fuck out. I hate that I need a fucking paycheck!

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