
Here we go again….

Basic backstory I work in manufacturing, I worked through the pandemic as an “essential” worker. I left the job when I was told I was going to be moved to third shift even though I was literally unable to do due to other obligations. When I brought that up with HR the response I got was “to bad we don't think you are going to quit” then the guy laughed at me…. So I started working at a new place shortly after that and one day before I was supposed to start receiving my benefits and a raise I was laid off from a department that I was a backup for due to “low volume of work available”. I brought it up the owner (it was a smaller local shop) he got super offended and got mad. So after that I took a break for a few months because I…

Basic backstory I work in manufacturing, I worked through the pandemic as an “essential” worker. I left the job when I was told I was going to be moved to third shift even though I was literally unable to do due to other obligations. When I brought that up with HR the response I got was “to bad we don't think you are going to quit” then the guy laughed at me…. So I started working at a new place shortly after that and one day before I was supposed to start receiving my benefits and a raise I was laid off from a department that I was a backup for due to “low volume of work available”. I brought it up the owner (it was a smaller local shop) he got super offended and got mad. So after that I took a break for a few months because I needed it. Recently I started working at a different plant and everything seemed great, I get along with everyone and I enjoy the work. So obviously I start worrying about the other shoe to drop. I work in NY state and one of the laws they have is that employers have to provide a certain amount of sick leave based on how large the company is, this current job just told me that my 80 hours of PTO that I would be receiving was actually 56 hours of sick leave required by the state and 24 hours of PTO. I said that was pretty low for PTO and was told that “the company isn't required to give us any PTO so I should just be happy with what I get.” No I won't be quitting this job until I find another.

Thanks for reading this rant if you got this far, sorry if formatting sucks I'm currently on mobile.

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