
Financial Despair (Let me know if this doesn’t belong here.)

Short of getting lucky with millions, is there a reasonable way out of this work to death culture, or are we just screwed? And all we can do is wait for death to come relieve us eventually. I seen a comment online about a couple receiving like $15,000 and that they spent it within a year. It said that's how they knew they were stupid. It made me laugh, then made me think. I'd probably do the same. I googled what to do with like 1k, 5k, 10k, 25k, 50k and noticed anything under like 500k seems to have the same advice. There's nothing you can do that won't result in dwindling money, or very high risk schemes that will likely end bad. It seems like most people (like the couple) would lose the money fast and have nothing to show for it, then be right back to the daily…

Short of getting lucky with millions, is there a reasonable way out of this work to death culture, or are we just screwed? And all we can do is wait for death to come relieve us eventually.

I seen a comment online about a couple receiving like $15,000 and that they spent it within a year. It said that's how they knew they were stupid. It made me laugh, then made me think. I'd probably do the same.

I googled what to do with like 1k, 5k, 10k, 25k, 50k and noticed anything under like 500k seems to have the same advice. There's nothing you can do that won't result in dwindling money, or very high risk schemes that will likely end bad. It seems like most people (like the couple) would lose the money fast and have nothing to show for it, then be right back to the daily plantation grind.

I hate work and the most I've ever saved is like 3k much less over 500k. People say things like “I could do so much with 15k,” but I feel 97% of people would be just like the couple.

500k is unreasonable for most people to get, but 15k isn't. However I feel anything under like 100k may as well be pocket change in this society. You won't get to escape velocity.

I feel the best course of action is to just accept our fate and give up. Lie down and rot. Just get a minimum wage job, start drinking, get high, jack off to porn, live in your parents basement, get fat, stop caring about hygiene and just do whatever.


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