
I just can’t anymore

Misguided directions, unmanaged projects, be autonomous, bugs, crashes, compile times, non-sensical code, loneliness, petty remarks, team leads that are always occupied, money money, useless meetings, impostor syndrom, lack of trust, fucking HR, shit takes on every subjects at every level, corporate decisions, that fucking glare on my screen, open space, noise, important asshole on important call, legacy code, shutting the fuck up to get by, opening it, be misunderstood, boot lickers, hypocrites, being ignored, covid, commuting, fucking ms teams putting me away while writing this

Misguided directions, unmanaged projects, be autonomous, bugs, crashes, compile times, non-sensical code, loneliness, petty remarks, team leads that are always occupied, money money, useless meetings, impostor syndrom, lack of trust, fucking HR, shit takes on every subjects at every level, corporate decisions, that fucking glare on my screen, open space, noise, important asshole on important call, legacy code, shutting the fuck up to get by, opening it, be misunderstood, boot lickers, hypocrites, being ignored, covid, commuting, fucking ms teams putting me away while writing this

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