
Discliplinary Meeting / Written Warning for having health issues

Just received a call from HR saying I have to go to a disciplinary meeting and have received a written warning. NOTE: that I am currently in the introductory period for my work place. They also extended my introductory to August 18th instead of July 18th. Background story: I've been extremely sick the past 2 months, I had to call in one day before memorial weekend because of a bad fever that I was suffering the whole weekend for (never got paid for holiday by the way, because I didn't work that Friday for being sick, under manager discretion). My temps were up to 104. I had to leave half day of work for an emergency to pick up my fiance from work because she started getting blind in one eye. I was suffering from a bad fever for a whole week with chills, hard breathing and sharp chest pains.…

Just received a call from HR saying I have to go to a disciplinary meeting and have received a written warning. NOTE: that I am currently in the introductory period for my work place.
They also extended my introductory to August 18th instead of July 18th.

Background story: I've been extremely sick the past 2 months, I had to call in one day before memorial weekend because of a bad fever that I was suffering the whole weekend for (never got paid for holiday by the way, because I didn't work that Friday for being sick, under manager discretion). My temps were up to 104. I had to leave half day of work for an emergency to pick up my fiance from work because she started getting blind in one eye. I was suffering from a bad fever for a whole week with chills, hard breathing and sharp chest pains. Now, I was suppose to have a doctors appointment half day this coming Friday for a large bump on my head thats been there for weeks and am expected to come back into work afterwards as stated by HR, but also I happened to sprain my abkle really really bad this past weekend and the doctor called me off for the week until Thursday. I've shown them the doctors note. Right after, is when HR called me. Also, the owner (whom I talked to about the doctors note), left me on seen and never replied, I messaged him yesterday.

HR stated reliability issues and attendance issues, I told her that it sucks I am in an introductory period and am facing all these issues and she interrupted and said that thats why they are willing to work with me. My reliability is only as good as my health can dictate unfortunately.

NOTE: For the week I was off, they suggested I stay off for the week. Now they are using everything against me.

NOTE: They pool their sick days with their vacation days, and they refuse to pay me for my sick days because I haven't been there long enough. I already have received a prorated vacation rate and have less hours than usual, from my start date. I do have to pay back any vacation used if I do quit, as well.

I do understand their side of things, but if I have to miss another day of work for emergencies or anything that happens, I believe things will escalate.

What do you guys think? Should I look for another job? Should I stay and say fuck my health and family? What are your opinions if you were in my shoes?

Tl:DR: In trouble for having health issues

EDIT: Picture of ankle for ref

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