
Facebook and work

Why the fuck are any of you friends with co workers on Facebook and even worse boss? Seriously? The answer is, “I don't have a Facebook but here is my email” Don't cross that line. And say IF they say “oh but we require it” then you make a work Facebook and never cross post on that account. Make a new Gmail and new Facebook and download “Google voice” and get a phone number (it's free) and connect that number to your personal and the actual phone number to your work account Don't trust that your coworkers are going to “be cool” either and not use any information they can get from your Facebook if their ass is on the line vs yours. I work in social media and have never let anyone have my personal social. I have my work accounts connected to my work Facebook and I block…

Why the fuck are any of you friends with co workers on Facebook and even worse boss?


The answer is, “I don't have a Facebook but here is my email”

Don't cross that line.

And say IF they say “oh but we require it” then you make a work Facebook and never cross post on that account. Make a new Gmail and new Facebook and download “Google voice” and get a phone number (it's free) and connect that number to your personal and the actual phone number to your work account

Don't trust that your coworkers are going to “be cool” either and not use any information they can get from your Facebook if their ass is on the line vs yours.

I work in social media and have never let anyone have my personal social. I have my work accounts connected to my work Facebook and I block every single person I work with or vendor account managers on my personal Facebook. And still don't friend anyone on my work Facebook. Simple answer is “I only use for work and my personal life is mine.”

Some works have a work group on Facebook only do that with your work Facebook, seriously you are going to fuck yourself crossing those lines

Instagram the same hide that shit

Work is work. Treat it as such no personal online stuff ever you'd be sorely awoken when you call out and post a photo of being outside… That's your right on your sick day but some asshole manager or coworker who doesn't understand that will sell you down the river. That's not cool but the responsibility lies with you don't blur those lines

You'll lose a job opportunity because of social media. You'll get an asshole coworker cause problems. You'll get a manager abusing their “power” and the more lines blurred you let happen will make it worse. None of that is ok but it's going to happen everyone reading this will eventually experience it.

Also texting isn't a good idea but I know that has to happen so you keep it short, professional and to the point.

When using a work email ALWAYS BCC your personal email (which is a hidden copy being sent to your email you control) if you're using a work email and someone fucks up they have control of that account and can delete or hide the proof. ALWAYS BCC your email you control

I have a work Gmail and I set up a rule for Outlook to add my Gmail BCC to everything that comes in and out. I've seen bosses call IT and have emails deleted from worker accounts.

My boss is the coolest most human person I've ever met and I still keep everything to emails that BCC to my email. I love my boss and he's a great dude but I always have that protection in place always. I never give him personal information unless it's medical. I never divulge my weekend or life unless prompted because he may be cool and may call me a friend but I'm his employee and won't get that twisted no matter how cool he is to me. I work for him and I need to protect myself just as much as he protects the company

Screenshot text messages. Don't talk on the phone unless you have to. Keep everything in writing

The boundaries we want must be put up and established by US. and it starts with not crossing lines or putting hard lines up and not mixing shit

Seriously fucking stop being friends on Facebook with coworkers and managers. Make a new account and add the work account to whatever and remove your personal account. Then block everyone on your personal

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