
Boss TOLD me that I will be taking over another managers position, who took another position (I fill in for him when he is on vacation), along with continuing my current manager position in my own department.

I am in middle management for a major corporation. When I signed my papers for my current role, it stated that I will be “filling in” for other managers at the same level if they are out sick/take vacation. I have no issues doing that intermittently because that was what I signed up for along with taking care of my own department. One of the managers that I routinely cover for has decided to accept another position in a different area of our company. The company will not be hiring a replacement for him as they know I cover for him and know it like the back of my hand. So essentially, I will continue doing my current role, and was told today that I will be taking over his job full time as well. Not asked, told. They will be saving a TON of money by losing him to…

I am in middle management for a major corporation. When I signed my papers for my current role, it stated that I will be “filling in” for other managers at the same level if they are out sick/take vacation. I have no issues doing that intermittently because that was what I signed up for along with taking care of my own department. One of the managers that I routinely cover for has decided to accept another position in a different area of our company. The company will not be hiring a replacement for him as they know I cover for him and know it like the back of my hand. So essentially, I will continue doing my current role, and was told today that I will be taking over his job full time as well. Not asked, told. They will be saving a TON of money by losing him to a different department since he has been with the company for 25 years, but just basically dropped it in my lap without any mention of pay increase or incentive. How would you fine folks of reddit approach the conversation about a pay increase, because I am not a pushover and will be paid my worth. Also to note, I constantly get accolades for my accomplishments and work ethic and am crossrained in SEVERAL areas. Any advice welcome on how to approach this.

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