
Somewhere along the line, Someone decided workers need to go the extra mile to get the minimum. It wasn’t always this way and that’s the problem.

I have a duel degree in Aerospace Engineering and Computer Science. I’m 25 and have had three jobs in industry now, but my current one is the first I’ve had that’s is salaried and has real benefits. I’ve worked on getting a number of professional certifications in order to get to this point. I’m happy, I’m comfortable, I just rented a two bedroom two bathroom place with a roommate in Chicago for a reasonable rate (in this market at least). I don’t need or want anything more right now, I’m doing fairly well. The problem isn’t with me, it’s with everyone I know and call friends. They all have degrees and expertise in their respective fields and yet are living pay check to pay check, sometimes despite working multiple jobs. In many cases they work longer hours, more days a week than I do and struggle to make rent and…

I have a duel degree in Aerospace Engineering and Computer Science. I’m 25 and have had three jobs in industry now, but my current one is the first I’ve had that’s is salaried and has real benefits. I’ve worked on getting a number of professional certifications in order to get to this point. I’m happy, I’m comfortable, I just rented a two bedroom two bathroom place with a roommate in Chicago for a reasonable rate (in this market at least). I don’t need or want anything more right now, I’m doing fairly well.

The problem isn’t with me, it’s with everyone I know and call friends. They all have degrees and expertise in their respective fields and yet are living pay check to pay check, sometimes despite working multiple jobs. In many cases they work longer hours, more days a week than I do and struggle to make rent and basic expenses. People talk about STEM like it’s a ticket to wealth, but it’s just gotten me comfortable while folks I care about in other fields who are just as qualified to do the work they do as I am qualified to do the work I do struggle to survive. It’s complete and utter bullshit. It’s gotten to the point where a degree or training in a “In demand field” is necessary just to make it and not have to worry on one income, this isn’t the American dream we were promised.

I know I’m treading well traveled ground by saying this, but holy shit we need to rethink our priorities as a society.

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