
I hope it’s ok to post this here. I am so fed up.

I work at a bank, got hired about October last year and I Felt really good about it because The boss seems seemed nice, the supervisor and I immediately connected and since I’ve been working in banking for so long it came naturally to me. The first few weeks on the job I heard my manager say “if I don’t like you I will make your life miserable until they quit” so fast forward to about April of this year my supervisor got fired because she did some dumb shit, and we’re actually pretty close so we hung out and she told me that my manager did not like me at all and she wanted me gone. Veronica my manager has always kind of been snippy with me but it’s OK I don’t really take things personally, but she’s done and said a lot of stuff for me to feel…

I work at a bank, got hired about October last year and I Felt really good about it because The boss seems seemed nice, the supervisor and I immediately connected and since I’ve been working in banking for so long it came naturally to me. The first few weeks on the job I heard my manager say “if I don’t like you I will make your life miserable until they quit” so fast forward to about April of this year my supervisor got fired because she did some dumb shit, and we’re actually pretty close so we hung out and she told me that my manager did not like me at all and she wanted me gone.

Veronica my manager has always kind of been snippy with me but it’s OK I don’t really take things personally, but she’s done and said a lot of stuff for me to feel uncomfortable example one day we were closing and it was very busy and there’s a lot of things that were not done, I wasn’t balancing on my drawer so she came up to me and asked me “what the fuck are you doing “ The next day I went into her office and asked her not to ever talk to me like that. She apologized and said oh my gosh I’m so sorry I’m so sorry blah blah blah I also told her that the person that we work with this is older woman she is never comfortable with how she curse so much. I don’t mind the cursing m, but when it is directed at me, it is not ok.

After that I can totally feel that she was very very standoffish towards me. My coworker told me that since i stood up for myself she was now threatened. After that there was some instances where she was very condescending and I just brushed it off my shoulder whatever she’s having a bad day, she has illnesses that she’s dealing with ans has a lot on her plate.

But the last couple months she’s done a few things that are not sitting right with me number one she snap her fingers at me, number two I needed help with something that I did not know how to do or was trained to do, she stood behind me and told me what to do and when I couldn’t get one thing correctly she was mean and got pissy it made me uncomfortable because she was being condescending, number three today I asked for help with something that again I was not trained to do and nobody was giving me a straight answer, she stood behind me and was telling me to do certain things which took me a little bit because, I get nervous with someone standing behind me telling me what to so I got frustrated and I told her I don’t do well with someone standing next to me while I’m working. I could tell she was annoyed. But that was the last straw for me. Because she wasn’t nice and sounded so annoyed.

After today I decided to report her to HR. I have written down all the dates and what she had said and I honestly do not want to report her to HR because she has lupus and other illnesses that she’s dealing with and she manages two branches on her own so she has a lot on her plate however I don’t think anyone deserves to be treated this way and from what I have seen I am the only person she treats this way.

I’m not sure what to do because I feel like a bad person for reporting her but at the same time if I don’t stand up for myself she’ll continue to do it but also she’s going to treat me even worse after I report her.

Sorry this is so long. I have also been looking for jobs.

PS I also recently told her that I have ADHD and I’m working towards getting the correct medication and I appreciate that she is patient with me while it takes me so long to learn and train for certain things.
Idk what to do.

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