
The Concept of “Calling Out”

At my job, whenever someone takes a sick day, the language used is that they “called out”. This infuriates me! I haven’t heard the term “calling out” since I was a waitress. I’m so angry that corporate America makes it the issues of employees that a co-worker is sick and the “call out” is now on the team. No, how about they effectively hire a large enough team that someone being sick isn’t framed as a disservice to the whole fucking team further adding to an already toxic work environment?? I am so enraged right now. Thank you for being my sounding board.

At my job, whenever someone takes a sick day, the language used is that they “called out”. This infuriates me! I haven’t heard the term “calling out” since I was a waitress. I’m so angry that corporate America makes it the issues of employees that a co-worker is sick and the “call out” is now on the team. No, how about they effectively hire a large enough team that someone being sick isn’t framed as a disservice to the whole fucking team further adding to an already toxic work environment??

I am so enraged right now. Thank you for being my sounding board.

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