
“Everyone go back into the office” has just killed my grandmother

Yiayia is currently in the ICU, dialysis isn't working, she's expressed she basically wants to be free of the pain at this point. She's tapping out, I don't blame her. 89 is a good age. A couple weeks ago my mum, yiayia's carer, was told to go back into the office by her work, after 15 months or so of increased productivity from work-at-home. Within a couple weeks 60 out of the 90 people on site were out with covid positive status. Mum got it there, then Yiayia contracted it pretty much immediately after along with both of my sisters. She had very mild symptoms at the time but got worse a lot quicker due to her pre-existing kidney failure and recurrent pneumonia. She was admitted to hospital about a week ago and now they've essentially exhausted all their options. So yeah, fuck work culture. I'll likely be handing in…

Yiayia is currently in the ICU, dialysis isn't working, she's expressed she basically wants to be free of the pain at this point. She's tapping out, I don't blame her. 89 is a good age.

A couple weeks ago my mum, yiayia's carer, was told to go back into the office by her work, after 15 months or so of increased productivity from work-at-home.

Within a couple weeks 60 out of the 90 people on site were out with covid positive status. Mum got it there, then Yiayia contracted it pretty much immediately after along with both of my sisters.

She had very mild symptoms at the time but got worse a lot quicker due to her pre-existing kidney failure and recurrent pneumonia. She was admitted to hospital about a week ago and now they've essentially exhausted all their options.

So yeah, fuck work culture. I'll likely be handing in my resignation soon given my work is also asking us to go back into the office, to save my remaining yiayia who I live with.

The only consolation from this is that I got to give her a pair of slippers, a gift from her old coworkers at a fur products place she worked at 40+ years ago.

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