
Question for my fellow redditors

I just started a new job. I am a working superintendent for a small family-owned general contractor. Upon my hiring they told me that I would be receiving a company credit card. Three to four weeks after my initial hire I Got a notification from my credit monitoring service that I had a new credit account with a credit limit of $25,000. After a couple hours May figure it out that this new credit account was the credit card that my employer gave me. I discovered that my employer added me as an authorized user to one of his personal credit card. Now when I was hired I was told I'd be receiving a company card and nothing was mentioned about being added as an authorized user to a personal credit card. As everyone knows being an authorized user on someone else's card can either boost your score or tank…

I just started a new job. I am a working superintendent for a small family-owned general contractor. Upon my hiring they told me that I would be receiving a company credit card. Three to four weeks after my initial hire I Got a notification from my credit monitoring service that I had a new credit account with a credit limit of $25,000. After a couple hours May figure it out that this new credit account was the credit card that my employer gave me. I discovered that my employer added me as an authorized user to one of his personal credit card. Now when I was hired I was told I'd be receiving a company card and nothing was mentioned about being added as an authorized user to a personal credit card. As everyone knows being an authorized user on someone else's card can either boost your score or tank your score depending on that person's spending habits. My question is this, was it appropriate for my boss to add me to his personal credit card as an authorized user without my consent? I strongly feel it was inappropriate but my boss is trying to say that this is common practice. I emailed the bank and made some inquiries as to how it would affect my credit score and they had me removed because I mentioned that I did not give permission for him to add me. My boss is pissed and he's trying to say that I'm messing with his credit when in reality he's messing with mine. What are your thoughts about it? Did my boss act inappropriately by adding me as an authorized user to his personal line of credit?

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