
I quit my job.

I was a dedicated employee. I cancelled vacations, worked 60+ hours a week (salaried so no OT pay). Managed to snag a pretty sweet gig working remote for the company when I decided I wanted to move out of state. Well, after 5 years of putting up with the most condescending, obtuse, and vindictive manager I’ve ever met, I finally had enough. Called the owner, told him exactly why I was quitting so there was no confusion regarding narrative, and dropped the mic. I’ve some money saved up and my girlfriend is 100% behind me on this. Not sure what comes next but it’s gotta be better than dealing with that POS for another day.

I was a dedicated employee. I cancelled vacations, worked 60+ hours a week (salaried so no OT pay). Managed to snag a pretty sweet gig working remote for the company when I decided I wanted to move out of state. Well, after 5 years of putting up with the most condescending, obtuse, and vindictive manager I’ve ever met, I finally had enough. Called the owner, told him exactly why I was quitting so there was no confusion regarding narrative, and dropped the mic. I’ve some money saved up and my girlfriend is 100% behind me on this. Not sure what comes next but it’s gotta be better than dealing with that POS for another day.

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