
What’s the point of an Exit Interview?

I put in two weeks notice at my job and sort of fumbled my attempt to collect on the majority of my PTO before leaving (not sure if this aspect is worth getting into at this point, but I'm willing, if anyone is curious) and I feel like I should have come here for advice before hand, so now I'm hoping for advice on an Exit Interview they've scheduled for tomorrow. Are Exit Interviews harmless? Is there anything notorious or nefarious about them that I should be prepared to encounter? I could imagine a company earnestly wanting to learn from its losses and hold itself accountable. But that is not this company. Maybe I'm overthinking, but I have this gut instinct that I should not provide them with details about my new job offer or anything about my personal plans but stick to what I don't like about the current…

I put in two weeks notice at my job and sort of fumbled my attempt to collect on the majority of my PTO before leaving (not sure if this aspect is worth getting into at this point, but I'm willing, if anyone is curious) and I feel like I should have come here for advice before hand, so now I'm hoping for advice on an Exit Interview they've scheduled for tomorrow.

Are Exit Interviews harmless? Is there anything notorious or nefarious about them that I should be prepared to encounter? I could imagine a company earnestly wanting to learn from its losses and hold itself accountable. But that is not this company.

Maybe I'm overthinking, but I have this gut instinct that I should not provide them with details about my new job offer or anything about my personal plans but stick to what I don't like about the current employer that has led me to leave. I don't have any real reason to maintain any good standing with them. And I have gotten to the point where I don't even want to help them by giving them more data.

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