
It’s funny how 95% of the population thinks that if you work extra hard at a minimum wage job, you’ll get a glowing recommendation and you’ll be able to move up in the world

When really it's always been about who you know in the right industry, and how much luck you've got on your side. Why on earth should I waste all my physical and mental energy on a job that doesn't care fuck all about me, when I actually have hobbies and interests outside of work and I want to be able to conserve most of my energy for those things instead? I always try to convince people to have a life outside of work, but you wouldn't believe how much hate I get for saying this in real life (or maybe you guys get me?…..) I was watching an old rerun of Two and a Half Men the other night when Alan freaks out about having to pay for his son's college while having to afford alimony and child support, and then he figures why the fuck he should have to…

When really it's always been about who you know in the right industry, and how much luck you've got on your side. Why on earth should I waste all my physical and mental energy on a job that doesn't care fuck all about me, when I actually have hobbies and interests outside of work and I want to be able to conserve most of my energy for those things instead?

I always try to convince people to have a life outside of work, but you wouldn't believe how much hate I get for saying this in real life (or maybe you guys get me?…..)

I was watching an old rerun of Two and a Half Men the other night when Alan freaks out about having to pay for his son's college while having to afford alimony and child support, and then he figures why the fuck he should have to pay for his son's college when all he'll be able to do is to use his diploma to make a hat which he could wear to his fast food job?

I think that quote resonates all too well with our present generation, sadly.

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