
Hired 2 days after a raise deadline, forced to wait 6 months.

The company I worked for hired a ton of people around November and started them mid December. I was one of them. However I asked to start after Christmas because I was moving across the country and wasn’t sure when I would see my family again. I started the first Monday of January. Performance reviews come around the middle of March. I was then told that the deadline for any pay increase for this performance review was January 1st. A Saturday. I started on the 3rd. I was still forced to do the performance review even though logistically it could only hurt me. Knowing the outcome I mentally prepared myself to probably not get anything. I did hope that maybe they would try to give me something, literally anything, to incentivize me to stay since their turnover is through the roof. Come June I have a meeting with my boss…

The company I worked for hired a ton of people around November and started them mid December. I was one of them. However I asked to start after Christmas because I was moving across the country and wasn’t sure when I would see my family again. I started the first Monday of January.

Performance reviews come around the middle of March. I was then told that the deadline for any pay increase for this performance review was January 1st. A Saturday. I started on the 3rd. I was still forced to do the performance review even though logistically it could only hurt me. Knowing the outcome I mentally prepared myself to probably not get anything. I did hope that maybe they would try to give me something, literally anything, to incentivize me to stay since their turnover is through the roof.

Come June I have a meeting with my boss where we get our reviews back and sure enough I get nothing. Most of my coworkers got a 7% raise. On top of that I got a low rating on my review. I had asked why and my boss told me that he had to give me a low rating to justify not giving me a raise?? Although he thought my work I had done was exceptional and I well deserved one.

I was hired as a junior engineer writing C. I majored in electrical and computer engineering from the best school in Washington (I’m no stickler for degrees but I’m the only junior with one related to embedded systems). I only make 61k even though I have completed more features than several E1s that make 20k more than me. Now i have to wait 6 months for the next performance review just so they can stiff me again.

61k is more money than I’ve ever made in my life. I’ve worked retail forever. I just think how they handled this was some bullshit and was curious if anyone else agreed.

TDLR: missed a merit increase by 2 days now have to wait 6 months to see the raise all my coworkers hired in the same time frame got. All while rent shoots straight up.

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