
Is anyone else not bothered by stores moving towards going all self checkout?

For me I just think the majority of people upset over it, are boomers who are just mad they can’t bully the minim wage making cashiers around anymore. I see self checkouts as pretty efficient since, it would more-so dwindle the complaints of stores having only two or three registers open. Not to mention the labor of having a cashier call for backup when lines get too long, and if the cashier runs out of change, having to wait for more. I realize not everyone sees them as a good thing, but it seems like it’s the way more stores are heading wether we like it or not

For me I just think the majority of people upset over it, are boomers who are just mad they can’t bully the minim wage making cashiers around anymore.

I see self checkouts as pretty efficient since, it would more-so dwindle the complaints of stores having only two or three registers open.

Not to mention the labor of having a cashier call for backup when lines get too long, and if the cashier runs out of change, having to wait for more.

I realize not everyone sees them as a good thing, but it seems like it’s the way more stores are heading wether we like it or not

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