
My job keeps drastically changing my schedule without even asking me

First, they switched me from evening shift to morning shift without even asking me. Then, they put me on a ‘voluntary’ project that I didn’t sign up for, that would basically be me being on call to fly out to different locations and work 11 days straight 10 hours a day. And that would last for 4 months. WITHOUT ASKING ME. Do they think I have no life??? How do they think they have the authority to change my life completely upside down, WITHOUT EVEN MENTIONING IT TO ME BEFOREHAND?!? And this is after months of being told that I am “the best employee at this location” and that “my reporting is the best in the company.” They’ve been telling me I’m in line for a promotion for 2 months. I’ve been so proud of myself, and been telling friends and family how well things are going for me. Now…

First, they switched me from evening shift to morning shift without even asking me. Then, they put me on a ‘voluntary’ project that I didn’t sign up for, that would basically be me being on call to fly out to different locations and work 11 days straight 10 hours a day. And that would last for 4 months. WITHOUT ASKING ME.

Do they think I have no life??? How do they think they have the authority to change my life completely upside down, WITHOUT EVEN MENTIONING IT TO ME BEFOREHAND?!?

And this is after months of being told that I am “the best employee at this location” and that “my reporting is the best in the company.” They’ve been telling me I’m in line for a promotion for 2 months. I’ve been so proud of myself, and been telling friends and family how well things are going for me.

Now I feel like they’ve been buttering me up all this time, just so they could shovel this big pile of bullshit into my lap and I wouldn’t complain.

Tomorrow I’m going to have a meeting with my supervisor. I’m going to tell him that this is unacceptable, and I’m going to demand a raise, or to be dropped from the project and get my old shift back, or I’m going to quit. Time to find out if I really am “the best employee at this location.”

Any advice is appreciated.

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