
I think my job is actually killing me.

Little context: I work an assembly line in a toy factory. A company that prides itself on “bringing joy to each and every child in the world.” Apparently, that sentiment doesn't carry over to their workers. $15 and hour, 30 minute lunch break, no paid sick/family leave, and NO overtime. If you're lucky… You MIGHT get Saturday off each week… But don't count on it because I've been here 5 months now and been working 6 days a week for most of it. The numbers they expect each night are ludacris, with some lines coming out to 40+ boxes an hour with 4-6 units in each box. From the second I clock in each day to the second I clock out… I hear nothing but bitching and screaming about “numbers, productivity, and positive work attitude.” At least 3 times a week I get reminded that I'm easily replaceable. So you…

Little context: I work an assembly line in a toy factory. A company that prides itself on “bringing joy to each and every child in the world.” Apparently, that sentiment doesn't carry over to their workers. $15 and hour, 30 minute lunch break, no paid sick/family leave, and NO overtime. If you're lucky… You MIGHT get Saturday off each week… But don't count on it because I've been here 5 months now and been working 6 days a week for most of it. The numbers they expect each night are ludacris, with some lines coming out to 40+ boxes an hour with 4-6 units in each box. From the second I clock in each day to the second I clock out… I hear nothing but bitching and screaming about “numbers, productivity, and positive work attitude.” At least 3 times a week I get reminded that I'm easily replaceable. So you might be asking why I haven't left yet…. And the answer is health insurance.

A few weeks ago I was getting ready to write out my two week notice but I started having chest pains. Not serious enough to merit an ambulance ride but just enough for me to be concerned. These pains lasted over the weekend so I figured that I'd go to my doc and get it checked out. Well… After many test he referred me to a cardiologist (which I had to wait almost a month to see due to backlogged patients)
I waited and suffered out my time at work all while hearing that my performance was slipping. They seemed to not care that I was having chest pains. A few days ago I finally made it into see my cardiologist and to my horror…. He found nothing. Now I have to get more test done to see if there is an underlying cause and of course those appointments are for more than a month away. Yet another month that I have to put up with miserable working conditions simply because I don't know what is wrong with me medically. I can't afford to quit my job, lose my insurance and then find out that it's a major problem.

I've been extremely stressed out over this whole situation and worried for the future. Last Sunday I went to visit my mother and during our talk she pointed out that chest pain could be a result of stress, so she gave me a little ziplock bag of her Xanax and told me to try one just to see it it worked. Now I'm not to keen on popping pills, especially ones that I don't have a valid prescription for, but I figured I'd give it a shot. I took one before my shift started tonight and wouldn't you know… My chest stopped hurting. At least for the most part, maybe a mild pain every now and then. That when it hit me. I think my heart is fine. Every test I've taken at the doctor's office has come back fine… At least so far. I think it's the stress from this bullshit job that slowing killing me. However, I can't leave just yet. I have to wait and see how these other test play out.

TLDR: My shitty job is so stressful that it MAY be causing heart problems.

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