
My job is trying to gaslight us into believing they did the right thing by keeping us and a large group of disabled children in a building with an active CO leak for hours.

They have been sending emails to staff and families patting themselves on the back for how “promptly” they acted on our behalf. We weren’t allowed to evacuate the building until more than 5 hours after the monitors starting going off. We only evacuated because people started to get ill after the smell from a concurrent natural gas leak started to permeate the building. They claim it was fine because levels were above normal but not toxic. However, they didn’t call the fire department to know the actual levels until more than 3 hours after the initial alarms. Most of our clients are small children who can not express that they are sick, hurt, dizzy, etc and several staff are expecting mothers. This was the sign I needed to finally leave this place.

They have been sending emails to staff and families patting themselves on the back for how “promptly” they acted on our behalf. We weren’t allowed to evacuate the building until more than 5 hours after the monitors starting going off. We only evacuated because people started to get ill after the smell from a concurrent natural gas leak started to permeate the building. They claim it was fine because levels were above normal but not toxic. However, they didn’t call the fire department to know the actual levels until more than 3 hours after the initial alarms. Most of our clients are small children who can not express that they are sick, hurt, dizzy, etc and several staff are expecting mothers. This was the sign I needed to finally leave this place.

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