
Recruiter won’t stop hassling me because references haven’t IMMEDIATELY gotten back to him

This is giving me major stress and anxiety. I spoke to this guy once this morning, sent over all my info immediately as well as reference contact info. But he won't stop phoning and texting and pestering me to get him numbers to speak to someone RIGHT AWAY for a reference because both didn't answer him right away. Thankfully one of the references has responded shortly after (he called her 3 times and emailed her 5, like jesus dude) but the only contact info I have for the other is a generic HR email (no number for some stupid reason) because everyone I knew that worked at that establishment that I had contact info for has moved on, but I have nothing else and I am unfortunately desperate for this job. I could have given him a reference that could answer right away if they accepted more but nooo it…

This is giving me major stress and anxiety.

I spoke to this guy once this morning, sent over all my info immediately as well as reference contact info. But he won't stop phoning and texting and pestering me to get him numbers to speak to someone RIGHT AWAY for a reference because both didn't answer him right away. Thankfully one of the references has responded shortly after (he called her 3 times and emailed her 5, like jesus dude) but the only contact info I have for the other is a generic HR email (no number for some stupid reason) because everyone I knew that worked at that establishment that I had contact info for has moved on, but I have nothing else and I am unfortunately desperate for this job.

I could have given him a reference that could answer right away if they accepted more but nooo it can ONLY be within the last 3 years of 'actual employment', so someone who offered to be my reference based on commission work wouldn't be accepted, and neither can people I was employed with before that time period.

Covid has been happening. I've had to be in and out of work to help support my dad with my three much younger siblings after not only my mum– his wife– died, but my nan– his own mother– died, within 2 weeks of eachother, RIGHT BEFORE covid even hit. My great grampy passed within this time as well as many other family members, and our dog. My dad had to get a hip replacement in this time too. We all are mentally messed up from everything that's gone on. He's only recently gotten a new job that I've had to stay at home so I can take care of my younger siblings for, but also left enough time so I could pursue art and even streaming which I have gotten to the point of being able to earn money from but haven't been able to get a payout yet. If you know how Twitch monetization works, you know. Not that this is a shill for that. The money is not consistent is the point and I'm no Jerma or Markiplier, yaknow? Same with the art side of it.

But as greatful as I am for the support from my father in exchange for me having to act as a SAHM for my own siblings, I'm sick of living like this and desperate for this part time job so I can atleast save up consistent money again and also be able to pay him back properly as well, and so that I don't feel like such a parasite despite everything I've done in the past for this family that I won't go into because it's a long story already. It's literally 2 hours a day Monday to Saturday for barely just above minimum wage (23yo, UK) 4pm-6pm but it's perfect timing so I can still help my dad when needed and get my streaming/art in. I live right on the edge of town so anything not directly within the town centre is awkward for me to get to as public transport for some reason likes to awkwardly skirt around the industrial district and avoids it entirely.

2 hours a day and the most important thing to this recruiter guy is two god damn references from people specifically only in the time frame of a global pandemic. He clearly also hadn't read my CV either. The job specifically said they needed someone to start asap desperately which I can but noooo.

Sorry had to get this rant off my chest, I'm at a loss and don't know what to do. I know people lie about reference stuff a lot but nobody I could even ask to lie for me that I know personally is awake right now and I'd be so paranoid and terrified of being found out.

'Nobody wants to work' my arse. No I don't want to work a soulless job. I want to make entertainment and art for people and make people happy. But society makes me feel like a parasite for that, so because I HAVE to, I want to work a job so I can have consistent money to keep me sane and help me feel less trapped in this shitty family situation I've been stuck in. Even when you DO want to work, if you've been down on your luck, fuck you.

Hell I even tried to apply for the bakery down the road from me because fuck yeah lemme sell sweets and treats to people, no upselling stupid warranties, just sugar to make people fat and happy, but they were clearly only hiring old grannies who lived nearby. I have no proof of this other than how clearly cliquey everyone in that area is and the fact only old grannies work there, and that when I asked if they had anything going they gave me a weird look and asked how old I was.

Anyway, thank you for reading.

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